WIF facilitates and promotes Kingdom dreaming. They partner with the people that have big dreams for Kingdom growth and provide the facility tools needed to bring the dreams to life.
Their primary focus is investing in their partnership with you. It is their goal to bring fresh air and freedom to the loan relationship that gives you grace and room to minister effectively.
They make loans to churches at competitive rates and terms. The interest you pay on loans from WIF is used to fund more loans to churches and to pay interest to their investors; most of which are churches and individuals like you who are interested in seeing souls saved and the Kingdom expanded through the outreach of local churches.
Contact Information:
Greg Brooks
(317) 774-7314
WIF is dedicated to building the Kingdom. What if your investments were dedicated to that as well?
Each dollar invested in WIF is used to provide loan assistance to churches and church-related organizations and for other investment purposes, all as described in their Offering Circular. Their loans help churches expand their facilities and be better equipped to reach their communities for Christ.
When you invest with WIF, you invest in the lives of people. They are committed to serving and impacting people's lives for the Kingdom.
In 74 years of operation, WIF has never had to foreclose on a loan that they have provided.
Contact Information:
Greg Brooks
(317) 774-7314