Employee Core Values + Expectations

PC, you've talked about clarifying expectations for underperforming staff. Can you give some examples of clear expectations you've set before letting staff go?

Staff expectations can be as small as showing up on time, spending time with people before and after services, and coming to a meeting prepared. Or expectations could be around our vision: leading a small group, serving on the Dream Team, inviting lost people to church. Go through your values and write out a clear vision for each of them and expectations within each area. 


Employee Vision Expectations

Our Values:

We love God and commit first and foremost to practice the presence of God daily in our own lives. We recognize effective leadership only comes from an overflow of Jesus in our hearts.

  • We spend time with God every day
  • We attend Highlands prayer services and lead people to pray first.

We love people and are called to serve them in every way we can.

  • We meet with, write, and encourage people regularly
  • We develop the potential of every member

We pursue excellence and make things better whether it is our area of responsibility or not.

  • We do fewer things well
  • We move the ball down the field with efficiency and frugality

We have fun and choose joy. We don’t do this because we get paid to do it, this is our church and we are honored that we paid to do what we would do for free.

  • We take responsibility for the environment
  • We eat from the Tree of Life

Our Vision Expectations

We want people to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference. We do that through Weekend Services, Small Groups, Growth Track, and Dream Team.

For each of the four areas of our vision, I’ve used a framework of three things so that the expectations will follow a pattern and be easier to remember. They are…

  1. Participation – how we as a team stay connected to the vision.
  2. People – how we as a team personally impact others through the vision
  3. Promotion – how we as a team can do our part to spread the vision.

Weekend Services

Every week...

  1. We attend as many services as possible and serve one.
    • Set the example in worship and serving.
    • We come 30 minutes early and we stay 30 minutes after to connect with people.
    • Meet and greet as many as possible.
    • Wear your staff badge.
    • Stay away from the office and just hanging around other staff.
  1. We invite someone to church twice a year (2 out of the 52).
  2. We post content showing your excitement for God and the church.
    • Please avoid anything controversial or political on social media.

Small Groups

Each semester...

  1. We personally lead groups and participate/serve in conferences.
    • Help each member take their next steps.
  1. We develop at least one new leader each semester.
  2. We share stories of life change with our sphere of influence. (Social media, etc.)

Growth Track

Each year...

  1. We attend all 4 steps of the Growth Track as often as possible.
    • Add life to the classes making it an experience, not just a class.
    • Attend once a year as a participant and give feedback to make it better.
  1. We meet, affirm, and recruit people who are on the Growth Track.
    • Ask them questions about their faith journey
    • Help them navigate the vision by suggesting next steps
  2. We lead people to the Growth Track helping them take their next steps.
    • As we meet people, ask them about their next steps

Dream Team

Each week...

  1. We serve on the Dream Team.
    • Serve one service on the Dream Team
  1. We show our appreciation to Dream Teamers in practical ways.
    • Go by Dream Team Central for at least 5 minutes and add life to the room.
    • Write 2 notes a week.
    • Thank people publicly.
  1. We recruit people to serve with us.
    • Attend Step 4 and invite people to be on your team